Imagine ran a non-profit with your family

Originally Posted: 2016

Imagine if…you ran a non-profit with people who are related to each other!  At times the sibling rivalry shows itself, known personality quirks that pop up, voices that are oddly & uncharacteristically on the quiet side, and many who have never operated in a business type environment.  All of which makes for interesting board meetings.  Then there is the simple act of interpretation; understanding what is being communicated.  We all hear things differently and with our own biases.  Case in point: picking a go-forward name for our newsletter.  A few proposals were on the table but the interpretation and word association were running rampant – Growler, I thought of beer growlers, Susie though of growling dogs being menacing – Howler, an association to Harry Potter – Protect the Pooch, I’m cannot repeat what was said at the table!  Through all the suggestions, chatter, laughter & anonymous voting came the right answer – Gav’s K9 Konnection.  We hope you enjoy this revised newsletter, we’ve made some significant changes thanks to cousin Reenie.  That’s the beautiful thing about family, they can provide you all the support you need to do something wonderful.  Imagine if you had this crazy, loving, feisty, supportive family – you would be poised to do amazing things in honor of Gavin!
